Join Us
We are the men and women of the Buck Creek / Washington Township Volunteer Fire Department.

Being A Volunteer Firefighter and First Responder Is About One Thing – Heart.
It’s not what you look like, what degree you have, or where you come from. It’s about heart. If you have the heart to serve our community in a way that few can, you have everything we need.
If you’re interested in helping your community, we are looking for volunteers that would like to become first responders. We welcome everyone and will provide all necessary training. We especially need folks that are available to respond during normal business hours when many of our volunteers are unavailable. If you would like to know more, please fill-out the application below and bring it to any officer at our next business meeting. Business meetings begin at 6:30pm on the first Tuesday of every month unless there is a holiday. Check our calendar to confirm the next meeting.